
2022, 22 februari t/m 2023, 9 januari, Kibo module in ruimtestation ISS, vertegenwoordigd door Moon Gallery (NanoRacks Module-89):

“NanoRacks Module-89 houses the Moon Gallery experiment that evaluates the performance of a single-board computer platform with a high-quality camera in the space station’s radiation environment. Photos and videos taken with the camera become part of an art installation known as the Moon Gallery. The camera could be used in future space platforms and science hardware.”

2021, 29 september t/m  3 oktober,  Art The Hague, vertegenwoordigd door Moon Gallery, Den Haag

2019, 2 t/m 10 november, Galerie Boven Verwachting, Wilnis

2018 – 2019, Rembrandt Art Market, maandelijks (maart – oktober) op Rembrandplein , Amsterdam

2003, kunstmanifestatie Er Rest Ons Niets Dan Beschaving , Utrecht

2000, Boekie Woekie, Amsterdam Jaren ’90, diverse groepshows (o.a. Tivoli, Sophie’s Palace), solo in Café Averechts en de Truttige Tuyl, Utrecht